Monday, July 7, 2014

This Comment Was Deleted.


Proverbs 18, Verse 6 & 7

"A fool gets into constant fights.  His mouth is his undoing!  
His words endanger him."



As soon as I saw the picture, I cringed.  Not because it was disappointing or revolting or wrong-- because it was lovely.  Because I knew what was coming.  Down, down below.

In the unruly bowels of the Comment Section.  But we'll get to that.  Unfortunately.  For now, let's focus on the positive.

The picture I saw, that lovely, cringeworthy picture featured two beautiful African-American women dressed in pale-blue short-sleeved shirts.  The older one has her left hand resting on her belt, and she gazes knowingly at the younger one, who smiles back with a disarming air of innocence, but meeting the gaze upon her ounce-for-ounce.  Mom wears badge #3636, and has worn it every day for twenty years.  Daughter is just getting used to #1523. 

Mother, Beverly, after twenty long years in a rough district, will retire in a few months.   Daughter, Sicily, seems to know how lucky she is: "I can say that not many people get the opportunity to do something that they enjoy doing with someone they love, respect, and look up to - and I have that right here.  I have that right here."

I wonder, when Philadelphia Daily News writer Stephanie Farr, no stranger to the Philadelphia Police Department, and what writing about its men and women, can bring about, ever considered that writing a beautiful, honest, touching story about a mother and her daughter policing the same city, in the same District, might evoke in her readers.  Maybe she knew.  Maybe she knew and she didn't care.  

"Passing the Baton," written about Beverly and Sicily Milligan, will hopefully, one day, be a story that never needs to get written-- because mothers and daughters on a big city police force together will be as commonplace as a father and a son ("my dad was a cop, my uncles are all cops, my grandfather was a cop, my great-great grandfather's muttonchops were cops, etc").  One day there won't need to be an article like Stephanie Farr's.  One day there won't need to be a Pride Day, either.  Because we'll all just... get it.  

Well, maybe not all of us will.

My cringestinct proved to be right on the money about's readership, and their worldliness.  Their openmindedness.  Their social graces.  Their abhorrent, revolting, repugnant racism.  

This comment was deleted.

This comment was deleted.

This comment was deleted.

This comment was deleted.

This comment was deleted.

This comment was deleted.

Six out of twenty-eight comments.  Though, if I ran, I'd probably have gotten rid of at least five more, but that's where subjectivity comes in, I suppose.  Maybe I'd be a heavy-handed kind of editor.  Maybe I'd be the kind of editor who abolished comment sections altogether, because I don't really understand why they have to exist.  Not to sound like a holier-than-thou curmudgeon-in-training, but I got my first Letter to the Editor published in the Philadelphia Inquirer when I was seventeen years old.  And there were approximately two dozen after that, in papers around the nation (I have a big mouth-- you're just figuring this out now?) and in Canada.  Some of them, looking back on it now, weren't worth the paper they were printed on, but someone with a desk and a phone (and probably suspenders and a combover) decided that they at the very least came from the heart, and that somebody out there would benefit from reading what I had to say.  My letters were vetted.  Michael McCombover gave them a pass.  He called me to verify my identity and then, the next day, or in a few days, I got to enjoy seeing my words and my name in print.

These commenters don't get vetted.  And they never see their names-- just their avatars and their screennames.  And the vitriol that they spew doesn't need to get read by anybody.  Certainly not Beverly and Sicily Milligan who, I'm sure, as police officers, no, as BLACK police officers, no, as FEMALE BLACK police officers have been and will be called everything in the book and beyond.  They're big girls, I get it, they can take it.  But why subject them to the disgusting barbarity of anonymous, atrocious words of hate and ignorance in what should be their finest hour: appearing together, side-by-side, looking like the picture of pride and beauty-- no: Honor, Integrity, Service.  Why?  Didn't the people who run know what was going to happen?  Why couldn't they have closed the comments for that article.  

No.  Just assign some poor intern to sit at a computer screen and give him/her instructions to hit "Refresh" every four seconds and delete the first "N-word" comment that pops up.  Why?  Because of freedom of speech?  Freedom of the press?  Freedom of shittalking shit to behave like shit.  These are the freedoms people like those commenters love to defend, while conveniently forgetting about "and liberty and justice for ALL." 

For 22nd District Officers Sicily and Beverly Milligan.  

I am so very grateful to Stephanie Farr for writing that eloquent, heartfelt piece, but I hope to God one day will come when she won't need to, and her editor won't need to block comments or delete comments or wonder about what the comments will be and fuck the comments.

Fuck them.  

Hate-filled trash just terrified of a world where a black woman could grow up to do a thankless job like her mom, a world where she could slip her hand into a white glove, hold it up and swear to protect, serve, defend, and possibly take a bullet for a heartless bastard who would never even think about doing the same.

One day maybe we won't need an article like "Passing the Baton."  But, I'm ashamed to say, in 2014, we definitely do, and maybe it's good that we are allowed to see why.  Even if all we can see is This comment was deleted.  

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Does This Friendship Require a Lot of Oil Changes?


Proverbs 19, Verse 4

"A wealthy man has many 'friends'; the poor man has none left."



I'm not sure if I have a lot of friends anymore.  What I am sure of is that I have some cognitive distortions, which is a fancy, psychobullshit way of saying that my thinking is fucked up, so, when I sit down and feel sorry for myself and cry into my decaffeinated tea about the dearth of friendship in my life, I have to pinch myself (I originally mistakenly typed "punch myself", and I guess that would be effective, too, though people would eventually start to wonder about the bruises) and ask myself, "Is what you're thinking really true?  Or is it bullshit?"

Sometimes I have to ask myself things.  Things like that.  

For instance, an old high school friend of mine opened up a really cool restaurant with awesome food-- it's Jewish-Italian (like she and her husband) and I've made it a point, whenever an old high school friend of mine is home visiting from wherever the fuck they've moved to, I take them there.  And I've been there with a different person maybe four or five times.  So, that right there says, okay, I have four or five friends.  Plus the friend who opened the restaurant.  Though she isn't really someone I would necessarily hang out with, every time I come to the restaurant there is a very warm, lovely hug (she's a great hugger-- some people just have it, I don't know what it is) and a genuine smile of happiness and she'll always make time to sit and talk, no matter how busy the place is.  And that all feels good.  It doesn't hurt that the food is so delicious it should probably kill you.  Eat enough of it and I guess it will.

I was reminded, this past weekend, that I have other friends.  Well, maybe they're really my wife's friends, but she's pretty generous with sharing, and she shares her friends with me, and it's seamlessly just... worked between us all.  I share some of her personality quirks that attract a certain kind of person to her, so I suppose it's natural that they'd get attracted to me.  No, not in that swinger kind of way, but, hey, I'm open to whatever.  

That's a lie.  I'm not open to whatever.  I'm closed to whatever.  I'm closed.  I'm closed to things like that.

We have this dining room table-- it's made of oak.  It's beautiful and ancient-- thick, heavy wood.  It was given to me by a friend.  Actually, the sister of a friend.  And she's kind of my friend, too-- even though both of them are nearing seventy.  That's two more.  Some of my friends are old.  Anyway, this table has leaves that you can use to extend the table.  I think maybe we've done that once or twice before.  Having a table that has leaves that you never use is kind of like having alcohol in your house that you only "keep for company" and that you never open.  

My parents had liquor in their liquor cabinet that they only took out when my great aunt and her husband would come over.  One day, they came over and my father looked for the key to the liquor cabinet and he couldn't find it.  So my great aunt and her husband moved to Florida and died.  The liquor, however, remains, malting away inside that cabinet which, ever opened again, would probably knock you stone dead with the stench of urethane and cat urine.  That's what I remember it smelling like when I was a little boy.  

Maybe that's why I don't drink.  

So, on Saturday, we opened our home and our table and, around it were seated ten people (okay, two of whom were my wife and I and two were our children) smiling and laughing and awkwardly joking and sharing personal anecdotes and eating good food and being generally very nice to be around.  Friendly.  Friends.  They were all gathered to mark 10 years since my wife's brain surgery.  Her Brainaversary.  They drank soda and spritzers our of cups marked "Bird Brain", "Brainiac", and, my favorite, "Shit for Brains".  They ate watermelon with a little placard that read, "Now That's Usin' the Old Melon!".  People brought over brain-themed food items, including deviled eggs (those fuckers really look like autopsied brains-- I, unfortunately, know that from experience), Smart Food popcorn, and they ate my wife's Monkey Brains, and a pretty awesome no-bake Jell-O cheesecake brain mold.

This one got a hunk of parietal lobe, that one got occipital.  It was all good.  These weren't necessarily my people, but they were my kind of people, and that was definitely enough.  My sister-in-law was there, too and, over the years, she has become my friend, too.  She moved here from St. Louis to be closer to her sister and our children, but she, through working at my hospital and just through life, too, has become my friend, too.  Someone I can effortlessly bullshit with, or just be quiet with, or profane with-- and it's good.  Hell, she gave me the topic for this blog because I've been pretty spent on inspiration, and a lot of things, of late.  Parenthood will do that to you-- you have been warned.   

I was lucky for three years-- I got to see my closest friend every day at work, and every other weekend, also at work.  Now I see him every three months or so, and that's okay, but it's not the same.  We text every day, because that is how it should be, that is how it must be, that's kind of how we are.  It's not so good.  And it's also the story of my life.     

My wife, of course, remains my best friend.  The one whom I can tell anything, say anything, believe anything, throw anything at or to, go through anything with-- you know, like brain surgery.  We were very young when that all happened, chronologically, and together.  We were very young together, very young at being together.  You know what I mean.  But, as I cuddled her in her hospital bed, nuzzling up to her even as her skin stunk and her head-wound was a mess of matted hair and blood and pieces of God knows what and staples and antiseptic, as Hunan the Intern opened the door and saw us together, he assumed I was her husband.

I wasn't, yet.  But we both knew that was coming.  Hunan was onto something.  I'll bet he's a great doctor today, that schnook.

My best friend and I don't celebrate bullshit holidays like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day and Father's Day, not because we're better than anybody else, but Brainaversaries are far more important to recognize.  Birthdays are good, too-- but all that other manufactured stuff can go to hell.  We don't need it, but I know for sure that we do need friends, even though they are tremendously hard to come by and sometimes harder to keep.  Friendships, like cars, can sometimes depreciate if you're really not up on the required maintenance, and they do require regular oil changes.  Since I can't imagine that anybody reads this fucking blog anymore, whether they're my friend or not, I'll be emailing this URL to everyone that I consider my friend, because I want them to know how I feel.  I don't do that nearly enough.  I guess we can consider this the latest in a series of long overdue oil changes.

Happy Brainaversary, my love.

Why the fuck isn't there a Happy Friend Day?  

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cop Eyes


Proverbs 18, Verse 3

"Sin brings disgrace."



"See that guy, over there?  See that bulge in his left gym sock?  That's drugs," said the one in the driver's seat, with dead certainty as they waited at the red light.

"Drugs?" the rookie passenger replied incredulously, "how do you know?  I mean, you sound so sure."

"See his shorts?  They have pockets.  What the fuck would he need to carry in his sock if he's got pockets?"

"Wow," said the rookie, "you're really something.  Now take a right when the light turns green-- and don't forget to signal."  

With the exception of that last sentence, this could easily have been an exchange between two cops in a squad car.  However, this conversation took place between me (driver) and my driving school instructor (passenger) in 1996, when I was preparing to get my driver's license, and it wasn't inside a patrol car, it was inside a gray Chevy Lumina with an auxiliary brake pedal.  

"You've got cop eyes," my instructor said to me, almost with a little bit of envy.  Maybe he wanted to try them on to see what I saw-- a world where every felon somehow lights up in neon green to me, but nobody else.

My driving instructor, we'll call him "Marty" because that's probably the name of most driving instructors, if you think about it, was a spindly man, bald on top with a neatly trimmed mustache.  He wore plaid short-sleeve dress shirts and khakis.  They must have paired him with me because they thought, "Well, this is what this kid is going to look like, and probably be doing for a living, in thirty years-- might as well give him a front-row seat to his future."  

My lessons were an hour long and we would pull over three times during each of the four sessions so Marty could get out of the Lumina and light up.  Marty wasn't just addicted to nicotine, I think he was in love.  He chewed the end of his cigarettes while he smoked, I presume to increase the speed at which the nicotine surged into his salivary glands and his gums.  I guess, if Marty is still alive today, he has no jaw, which makes me sad, because the words that came out of his jaw were funny-- they had a sardonic, nervous energy to them.  

"So," he said to me one day while we were hopelessly stuck in traffic on a road that was adjacent to a local college, "if you got into trouble here-- like, if shit went down-- what would you do?"

I glanced at him and furrowed my brow, "If 'shit went down'?  Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm goddamned serious, like if someone tried to ram you or if someone ran up to your car with a gun, what would you do?"

(These kinds of things are always happening to sixteen-year-olds in suburban southeastern Pennsylvania, just so you know.) 

"I'd cut it hard and floor it up onto the college quad."

"Yes!" Marty yelled, giving the Lumina's plastic dash, and then my shoulder, an enthusiastic thump, "That's right!  Do you know how many idiots I teach who'd be like, 'Uhhh... I dunno?'  Retards!" he exclaimed, shaking his head.  "Now find a parking lot-- smoke time."

On the way to my test, I reminded Marty that he had neglected to show me how to parallel park.

"Shit!" he exclaimed, "uh-- okay, pull in here."  

He popped the trunk, lit a cigarette, started chewing and pulled out some orange cones and set them up.  He gave me a couple pointers and then told me to try it.  I immediately backed over one of the cones, wedging it between the rear passenger tire and the muffler.  

"You'll be fine."

Turns out, even though I hit an orange barrel during the actual test, Marty was right.  I was fine.  I passed.  Maybe Marty paid the test administrator off.  Maybe he just didn't give a shit.  Maybe he didn't have cop eyes.

I hadn't thought about Marty for years and years, but I thought about him today.  When I got into my car this morning to go buy a new hedge trimmer, I noticed that my glovebox was open.  

"Hmpf, that's weird" I thought.  But my wife opened it and rummaged around in it just yesterday looking for Advil for me because I had a headache.  She must have forgotten to close it.  Then I opened the center console and noticed appreciably less coinage in there than there had been the day before.  Ah-- sometimes, when I go into a store, my wife takes a lot of the change and puts it in her wallet so she has some, because she likes to have exact change when she pays for things."  

The cop eyes looked, but they didn't see.  And they certainly didn't see the GPS missing.  It wasn't until hours later, when a patrol car slowly rolled down our street and parked at a neighbor's house did my next door neighbor tell me that his car had been ransacked last night.  Then it hit me.  Hard.  I went out to the car and, lo and behold, no GPS.  Cop eyes, it seemed, were failing.  

So they got a GPS unit.  Some spare change.  Fortunately, they left my I.D. badge and the keys to the psych hospital where I work (that would have been a LOT of paperwork...) but they also stole a bag of theatrical make-up used to make me look like the bitter, crippled, wizened old monarch King Gama in the production of "Princess Ida" I was just in.  Maybe those druggie bastards are running around North Philly with age lines and gray hair and tooth-blackener.  Or maybe they're just snorting the setting powder.  Either way, I hope they drop dead.  It's hard to feel victimized when I'm the idiot who left his car unlocked, an unheard of rarity for Mr. Paranoia, but, nevertheless, I don't like that things are going bump in the night right outside my house and I don't hear it happening, or notice when it does.  Somehow it's not the drug-addled miscreants who are to blame, it's me who is deficient.  

What would jawless Marty say?   

Saturday, May 31, 2014

I'm Gonna Kill the Bear!


Proverbs 17, Verse 12

"It is safer to meet a bear robbed of her cubs
than a fool caught in his folly."



A few years ago, I swore off getting my "news" from  I just couldn't stand the inanity of it, the fluff, folderol, and fiddle-dee-dee.  I mean, really, if you can find any actual news on there, it was probably put there by accident, or by some well-meaning, starry-eyed intern who actually thinks they're there to one day become the next Edward R. Murrow.  And, I'm sure, after this tidbit of real news was found, that poor sonofabitch was hoisted out of his chair by his jockeys and thrown out the 19th story window.  Assuming CNN's headquarters is in a building that high.  It's probably located in some idiot's basement.

Lately, though, I've found myself going back on occasion.  Like, for instance, a couple weeks ago I was at an all-day conference and, at the conclusion of the conference, I wanted to quickly check a news source to make sure California was still above water and East Timor didn't suddenly get attacked by East, North and South Timor.  Because reads rather poorly on mobile devices, I went to, and was satisfied that a.) the world didn't end and b.) I was right to forget existed.  

In case you were curious, here's what thinks you want to read about today:

Actually, I shouldn't say "read", rather "watch" as all of those with with the little camcorder symbol mean that, thankfully for the illiterati, no actual reading is involved.

Now I want you, please to direct your attention to the third "headline" on this little list of journalistic despair.  "Bear reclines in a hammock."

I'm sorry-- since when is that news?  I get it-- it's incongruous.  Bears don't use hammocks, SILLY!  But, see, the humor of the incongruous is, developmentally, I believe, supposed to peak and then wane at the 3-year-old mark.  Like, when you say to a toddler, "I'm a pumpkin!" they crack up and say, "No!  You not a PUMPKIN!"  So, your average pre-schooler would find the idea of a bear in a hammock hilarious.  So, does that mean that, therefore, thinks that we have the emotional intelligence of a three-year-old?  Even if we do, and so even if we do find it funny-- is it news?  

I don't know what it is about bears, but they sure do feature prominently on the news-- and they don't even have to especially do... anything.  All they have to do is encroach a little bit too far into our territory (which, of course, we stole from them initially, and continue to do as we sprawl our way across this sorry-ass country) and they get on TV.  I mean, to me-- a bear should make the news if he claws off the faces off the alto section of a Mormon church choir.  Of if he's IN the choir.  (Bears don't sing in Mormon church choirs, SILLY!)  But, otherwise, enough with the fucking bear stories.  

And this is from a bear enthusiast.  I can remember, at a very early age, being absolutely transfixed as Marty Stouffer raised Grizz on PBS.  He fed him milk from a bottle.  Griz slept in a dresser drawer among all of Marty's neatly-folded plaid shirts.  He grew up to weigh as much as a Nissan Versa.  Stouffer got accused of illegally baiting cutthroat trout in Yellowstone.  And another childhood hero bites the dust.  

Still, my affection for bears lived on.  Perhaps it is because of my early exposure to Griz on "Wild America" that led me to seek out films that featured bears.  Two really stand out.  

"The Great Outdoors" is one of those thoroughly underrated 1980s films, with gratuitous, low-level humor and equally gratuitous low-level sanctimony and schmoopiness at the end. Still, the film had its many merits.  It was many an awkward elementary school pupil who, after seeing that film, proudly announced the his or her lunch-lady that the hotdogs being served in the school cafeteria were made of "lips and assholes."  The bear in this movie gets his bum-hair blown off by a shotgun blast in the climactic (?) scene.  Classic family viewing.  My sisters and I were fervently in love with this movie, and still quote it to this day.

Almost exactly a decade after "The Great Outdoors", another grizzly bear movie hit the big screens, and this film didn't have any (well, not much) low-level humor and decidedly no sanctimony and/or schmoopiness anywhere.  While the male duo of "The Great Outdoors" (John Candy and Dan Aykroyd) were a logical match for their comic mastery and their obvious affection for each other, the psychotic, testosterone-fueld, ragingly malevolent pairing of Alec Baldwin and Anthony Hopkins in "The Edge" made for some uncomfortable moments while the viewer impatiently pines for a view of Elle Macpherson's lips and/or asshole.  

While doing research for this post (that might be the funniest line I've ever written), I learned that the bear in "The Great Outdoors" and "The Edge" was the same bear actor-- Bart the Bear.  I wondered, as I read his impressive film bio, how many times did a story about Bart the Bear.  I'm sure they covered his tragic death of cancer in 2000.  He only lived 23 years, and yet he starred in 13 major motion pictures.  He was also in commercials for Labatts Blue and Tums.  I guess he needed the money.  Obviously he must have been hard up when he did "Meet the Deedles."

I have to say, I have a hell of a lot more respect for Bart the Bear (rest his 9'6" soul) than I do for pretty much anyone who works at  People who work there think they work for a news organization, when they're really just churning out cotton candy and rubbing it on the nipples of the American public, waiting for a cutthroat trout to come lick it off.  I don't think Bart the Bear was operating under any similar delusions about who he was or what he was doing.  He was a Goddamned bear, and he knew it.  He ripped the motherfucking gill-shit out of trout and salmon and he fucking fucked trees and took unfathomably huge dumps all over God's green earth because he was a bear and nobody was going to tell him shit about anything.  And, when those big-ass klieg lights were on, he knew he was making movies and that he was a fucking star.

And I like that.        

Monday, May 19, 2014

You'll Always Be My Tijuana Taxi


Proverbs 20, Verse 14

" 'Utterly worthless!' says the buyer as he haggles over the price.
But afterwards he brags about his bargain!"



When my mother wanted to modify my behavior, she was pretty transparent about it, as she is about most things.  She would say, "Honey, I'm going to try a different tactic."  And she did.  Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.  Either way, at least the two of us knew what was going on.  It's best to have all your cards out on the table, I find, especially when you're dealing with family.

While most people probably won't agree with me on this one, I also think it's the best way to deal with car salesmen, too.  Just walk in there and be as plain, bold-faced honest with them as you possibly can, and just watch them stare back at you blankly.  Most people who are serious about buying a car have read all sorts of malarky and hornswaggle online and in car and consumer report magazines and in books about "tricks" you can employ at the dealership to get the "upper hand" and not "get ass-raped with a searing hot light sabre till you're bleeding out your eyeballs".  

Forget all that cock: just go in there and tell them the absolute truth.

"I have no money."

"I have this thirteen-year-old car I want to dump on you and I know you're not going to sell it on your lot, you're just going to dump it on an auction warehouse twenty miles away and the "trade-in" value you're going to give me on my car is going to be absurdly inflated so I think I'm getting a great deal and then you can absolutely light sabre schlong me on financing for the remainder."

Telling the truth about the car you want to buy from them is also a great way to get a car salesman off balance.  I sat inside a brand new Toyota Prius C a few months ago and the smell of the plastic was so noxious I almost gagged.

"It smells like a fish-market in here.  Whatever happened to 'new car smell'?  Does that cost extra," I asked, my face all scrunched up in a wince and a scowl.  A wowl.  

"I... I don't know why it smells like that," the salesman replied.  "It does smell," he admitted, to his credit.

An '04 Honda Accord stunk like an ashtray I found, after I stuck my head inside the front window and gave it a sniff.  There were cigarette burn marks on the seat, the center console and, oddly enough, on the headliner.

"Are you kidding?  You don't actually think I'd put my two little children inside this car, do you?" I asked the salesman, who, coincidentally, had just lit up himself, "I mean-- who owned this car before?  Rod Serling?"

Years ago, I took a moss-green Ford Focus stationwagon for a test drive.  The salesman sat next to me, because that's what they do.

"So?  Whaddya think?" he asked, "Doyalikeit?"

I turned to him with a quizzical look on my face.

"No," I said.  "Do you?"

He was lost for words, Mickey.

"I mean-- what is there to like about this car?  The cheap interior?  The non-existent acceleration?  The flimsy, plastic sun visors?  Come on."

One might have, rightly, asked me why I was test-driving it if that's the way I felt about it.  Well, truth be told, I like test-driving cars, and, when you have no money, the Ford Focus, of that vintage anyway, is what you can afford to pretend to not really like but nevertheless entertain because, let's face it; it is what it is and it's at least better than a PT Cruiser.

My favorite car-insult story came just a couple months ago, when I cooked up a psychotic plan to get rid of my voracious, gas loving Volvo wagon for a 2003 Toyota Corolla with 116,000 on the odometer.  I took the Corolla for a test drive.  It was hot as blazes out that day, and the Corolla was black, so I was feelin' the sun, and I was not feelin' the roll up windows.  Oh, did I mention it had roll up windows?

To me, to cut my gasoline bill in half each month, I could deal with roll up windows but, when I turned on the air conditioning, it blew hot.

"Is this a joke?" I asked the salesman.  He smiled, indicating, I guess, that it was.  I then attempted to adjust the side mirror which, oddly enough, was a power mirror.  It didn't move.  

"Do you check these cars before you put them on the lot or are you just like, 'Eh, what the fuck?'" I asked him.  He smiled again and said that they go through a "basic inspection" which, I guess, means that they make sure the car has four tires and a roof.  

The car drove fine-- it is, after all, a Toyota.

When we got back to the dealership, I got out of the car, and the salesman asked me if I locked the driver's side door (manual locks).  I looked at him.  

"You worried somebody's going to steal that?  Relax," I said, handing him the key.  We went inside and waited for the "manager" to come over and put a final value on my car.  He came over to the table, a smiling, short, round-bellied kid of maybe, maybe thirty.  He told me my car was worth $4,000.  The Corolla was listed at $6,000.  Meaning, if my math is correct, that I would be giving away my luxurious, heated-seat, leather-swathed, wood-grained, all-wheel-drive funwagon for a econobox with roll-up windows, manual locks, no air conditioning and a broken side mirror, AND that I'd have to pay an additional $2,000 for the privilege.

"Are you serious?" I said to the manager, absolutely seething.  He smiled at me.  "Are you goddamned serious?  How can you sit there with a straight face and tell me that you want me to hand you over $2,000 of my hard-earned money for that piece of shit-- that... that... Tijuana Taxi out there with roll-up windows and a stroke?  Who in the hell do you think is going to walk in here, into this dealership in this affluent suburb and buy that miserable little car?  Nobody.  Nobody in their right mind would buy that for their kid, or their upstairs maid (quoting from "The Love Bug") or their grandmother-- that eyesore is just going to sit there collecting dust and taking up space on your lot."

"Well, sir, you may have a point there," conceded the manager, still smiling, "can I ask you something?  What exactly do you like about that car?"

"The fuel mileage.  Plain and simple.  That is it.  Nothing else, and I mean NO-THING else," I said.

The truth.  Sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes, when you tell it, they smile at you.  Sometimes it gets you a ride in a Tijuana Taxi.  Sometimes it makes people angry, sometimes it gets you in trouble.  But this is for goddamn sure: it'll probably never get you laid, it always feels good to speak, and it's the very last thing a car salesman expects to hear.

Saturday, May 10, 2014



Proverbs 20, Verse 9

"Who can ever say, 'I have cleansed my heart;
I am sinless'?"



My life has been a series of "stops" lately.  Or, rather "stopped's".  

I've stopped taking my Viibryd.

I've stopped looking at porn (how do you really know for sure that they're eighteen?)

I've stopped my Facebook account.

I've stopped trying to get rid of my car for something more economical.

And what's the other thing....  Oh, right:

I've stopped blogging.

For a good while there, I was like clockwork.  Monday Thursday, Monday Thursday, Monday Thursday.  





Even when a Proverb really didn't make sense, I beat it into submission until we got where I wanted to go.  These Proverbs are really just along for the ride-- and I think they know it, too.  They know.  I mean, really-- what does Proverbs 20, Verse 9 have to do with not looking at porn anymore, or any of the other jumbled shit going on in my brain that I feel compelled to try to put down?  I don't know.  

It's been about a month since I've been off my medication.  I was just telling someone the other day that I don't seem to notice any difference (I'm certainly not shedding pounds like I was hoping I would) and then, just today, I noticed a difference.  Short with my children, inattentive, restless, agitated, exasperated, frustrated, down, vacant, closed.  


Now, yes, we all have "off" days, but this was a little too "off" for my liking.  I wonder if part of it's the heat.  It was 84 today, and muggy, sloppy and slow.  Even just standing in the kitchen, there was sweat on my brow and my skin felt like it would set my arm hair on fire in an instant.  I don't do well in the summer.  I snap easier, I'm more overworked, more raw.  Less patient and less refined.  I guess being half Israeli only does so much in regard to tolerance for the heat.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do-- am I supposed to go back on my meds?  Were they making me "nice"?  Funny?  Effervescent?  Were they making me who I was, or someone I never was?  Or were they very expensive sugar pills?  Hey-- maybe that's okay-- I like sugar.  If I need medication to get me back to who I was before, why the fuck is that?  What happened, and when?  And why?  I don't want medication and, much more, I don't want to need it.  

My birthday is on Monday-- I will be thirty-four.  This will be my first birthday sans-Facebook in quite a few years, I guess, and it will be interesting to experience my birthday free from the exploding Wall phenomenon.  Obviously, there will be a dramatic decrease in well wishes-- Gary from elementary school will probably not remember-- but I wonder if whatever contact I do receive on my birthday will be of a higher quality, if it will come from the heart, from someone I didn't expect.  Of if there'll just be texts from my sisters and my parents and my best friend, and dinner with my wife and my babies and the dog and presents on the couch.  And I wonder if that will be just fine with me, or if that's what I'll say to conceal the hurt at being forgotten about by my 458 "friends"-- whomever they were.  

Of course, my life hasn't all been about "stopped's" lately-- I've started some things, too.  I auditioned for a film/television/commercial talent agency to try to get my name and my gorgeous face out there.  If I get anything, I'll probably play a doctor holding a clipboard, explaining the side effects of the latest grape-flavored adult suppositories in a commercial that'll air between two and four-thirty a.m. on that Christian network, but I'm okay with that.  Work is work.  I also started to not be afraid of flying solo as a director.  I'm directing a show, all by myself, like a big boy, for the first time in a long time, and I am terrified and head-over-heels with the show already, and I haven't even cast it completely yet.  And I started something else, too... what the fuck was it?  Oh, right:

I've started blogging again.

Monday, April 21, 2014



Proverbs 21, Verse 10

"An evil man loves to harm others;
being a good neighbor is out of his line."


I'm stuck.

I'm stuck and I'm sticking to a mood of a funk-- of a glowering, lowering mess of a rut.  Don't try to help me, though-- if you offered me your hand, I'd probably drag you down into the sinkhole.  That's what I'd do, and do it I would.

I think I want you in here, down here deep with me in the dark.  I think I want you here with me.  I thought I didn't, and so I said to my wife, flatly, in the kitchen, in my pajama pants with hearts on them, "I'm not going to blog tonight." 

It was a grand pronouncement, though made in that deflated, deadpan, Wes Anderson way.  

"Okay," she said to me in equal reply.  Two yellow Reese's peanut butter egg wrappers lay in tatters in front of her on our red kitchen table.

"Oh-- you ate both of those?"

"What, did you think I was going to save one of them for you?" she answered with a smile.  

I love being married to my wife.  Which is rather a good thing, you know, since I'm married to her.  Other people are married to people who aren't my wife, which I hope is working out for them, since they can't have her.  I have her.  And she has me.  Whenever our children point to the rings we wear on our fingers, we always tell them, "This ring means that Mommy and Daddy belong to each other."  I love that we say that, because it's true, and because it's rather a nice way of putting it, and I'm glad that's what our children see.  When I kiss my wife, my daughter's face lights up and she coos, "Ooh, Daddy love Mommy!"  No dullard there.

In case you weren't able to tell, recounting colorful anecdotes like these is a strategy I'm trying to use to lift myself out of my shitty mood, even though I am caked in it to the eyebrows, and I don't know if it's going to work, I don't know if it's having an effect on you, because I can't see you or hear you.  It's a wonder that any stage actor ever decides to write-- in a way it's so anathema to performing on the stage.  There, you have instant feedback, and you can turn it up or dial it down depending upon the reaction you're getting.  No offense, but writing for you is kind of like performing in front of the residents of a local town's mortuary, or at a cat shelter.  I have no idea if what I'm doing matters a damn to you in any way, and it's frustrating.  It's why, the one time I went on the radio, I was terrified.  All I could see were little needles on little dials going from right to left and left to write.  And they weren't laugh-o-meters.

A girl at the Apple store was flirting with me today-- she had no reason to talk to me, I was waiting for my OS to reinstall and I told her that, but she kept the conversation up, joking and inquiring, excessively, I think, about my line of work.  I even had the perfect opportunity to let her know that I'm married, but I didn't.  Why?  I guess I liked the attention.  She had nice glasses but was otherwise only passingly attractive.  As in, if I passed her on the street, I would have thought, "Oh, she's attractive," and continued on my way quickly changing thoughts to death or my current financial lamentations or fantasizing about how a night's unbroken rest might aid my welfare.  

When I came home, I told my wife about my transgression, which she laughed off.  "That's why you're telling me about this," she said, "it's your incessant guilt-- you can't keep anything from me."  And she's right.  Years ago, when I worked on the street as an EMT, a nurse gave me a piece of paper with her phone number on it, which I immediately threw out as soon as I was out of her sight and I told my wife as soon as I got home.  She laughed.  She was glad "other people saw things her way".  Why won't someone punish me already?

I want to write about work, but I'm too afraid that, if I start to do that, I'll cry.  Not that you'll be able to see it, but still.  I'll know.  And my wife, who's sitting across the room from me happily thumbing through endless screens of palaver and folderol and fiddle-dee-dee would have to deal with that, and I fail to see how that would aid her welfare.  

Or yours.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Like It Be


Proverbs 24, Verse 26

"It is an honor to receive a frank reply."



I read somewhere recently that there is a difference between being honest and "telling it like it is."  You know what I'm talking about, probably-- those people you know who say cutting, cruel things and cut other people down only to say, "Hey, you know me-- I tell it like it is." 

DO YA?!!!

I'm not entirely sure if I tell it like it is, or if I'm honest, or if I'm an asshole.  Maybe it's all three, but I'm not sure that's possible.  I try to be a nice, good boy, and not hurt people's feelings if I can swing it.  The more I get to know you, though, the more another side of me comes out, where boundaries fade far off into oblivion, and I get crass-- though not careless.  My crassness is carefully calculated so as not to cause offense-- I feel like I have a pretty good meter of what's acceptable, and what certain people can take and what they can't, and I try to abide by that, because when there's someone out there who doesn't like me, I'll obsess over that until I dehydrate and fall down the stairs.  

I made a little enemy today when I stood up for myself, and my employer, at a meeting.  Funnily enough, I'm not terribly worried about it.  Maybe it's the medicine, or maybe it's because everyone else in the meeting thought she was behaving like a total ass, or maybe I just don't give a fuck anymore.  Maybe I'm getting comfortable enough in my role and in my shoes and my socks and my arm hair and my olive-hued skin to sprout a pube or two.  And maybe that's been a long time in coming.


I wonder sometimes if my new-ish boldness has anything to do with being bullied for my entire K-12 (okay, K-Kollege) experience.  It may very well be that I've said, internally, at some point, "okay-- enough is enough" and that I have managed to locate a little bit of courage deep down in the well somewhere.  I'm speaking my mind more, I'm saying how I feel, I'm trying.  And oftentimes it doesn't matter and it doesn't amount to much, but I suppose the outcome is pretty much irrelevant.  Because you have to say what you think in this life-- even if nobody listens and nobody cares, even if you're low man on the totem pole.  Even if you're half-buried beneath the fucking totem pole.  

Sometimes it's terrifying to think that all we are to other people are obstacles to them getting their way.  Sometimes, though, I'd proud if that's something that I can be.  If I can head off someone's stupid idea, or vainglorious pursuit, if I can be that thorn in their side-- if I can present a reality-check or an opposition when everyone else is complacent, that's a pretty good day for me.  Of course, tomorrow, someone else might have to step in and prick my bullshit balloon, and that's okay-- I certainly don't expel golden turdlettes every day-- that's really okay with me.  I don't mind if you go up against me in this world, because at least I know that you're alive. 

Let's fight about something important-- or something insipid.  I don't care.  Let's just fight.  You and me; me and you.

Let's be alive together.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Toy Store Pervert


Proverbs 22, Verse 6

"Teach a child to choose the right path, 
and, when he is older, he will remain upon it."



I walk through this world guilty of things I haven't done, things I wouldn't do, and things that couldn't be.  

On Sunday, I was out to brunch with an old friend of mine.  We went to a diner run by another old friend of mine.  I was convinced that the diner's owner assumed I was cheating on my wife.  I also assumed that the cute waitress with the bandaged wrist and the harried busboy, the young, African-American family seated next to us, and the hipster asshole in the madras shorts who was standing by the door listening to The Civil Wars on his earbuds, all thought so too.  

When I worked for a small performing arts center, I used to go to all the neighborhood elementary schools to deliver flyers about upcoming productions.  As the receptionist spoke to me through the post-Columbine, yet pre-Newtown intercom system, asking me to state my name and my business, and then as I watched her watching me carry my box of "Seussical!" posters down the hall of local K-through-5's, including my own, I knew she was thinking that the only reason I was there was to run down the halls and systematically lick the anuses of all the boys and girls I could possibly find.  

Or shoot them.

Either way-- a young, white male travelling unaccompanied to an elementary school was clearly not safe.  If I had boobs, nobody would have thought twice about it.  Well, if I was a female with boobs, that is.  And I could have been affronted by the suspicion-- after all, I didn't do anything and wouldn't do anything, but, when you walk around feeling guilty, you don't mind being suspected by others.  Because, to you, it makes sense.  You get it.

I found myself in an upscale toy store on Saturday afternoon, searching for a gift for my friend's 9-month-old baby whom I was meeting for the first time, and for a gift for my twins.  I recently asked my son and daughter what their favorite animals were.  They have lots of experience with Basset Hounds, and cats, who roam free and borderline feral in our back alley-- most other animals they know from books and from Baby Einstein.  We took them to the zoo last year, but it was too early.  They didn't give a fuck.  Every time we would approach a new, thoroughly medicated species and ask them, "What noise does __________ animal make?" the answer from both of them was invariably, 


Which is creative, though inaccurate.  

So, getting back to their favorite animal, they both answered readily.  My son said, "Tigee, Daddy!" and made an adorable roar through the bars of his cribbie.  My daughter happily announced, "PINKO-MINGO!" which, of course, is a pink flamingo, and not a communist epithet popular in the 1960s and '70s.  

So off I went on my mission to find my children a stuffed tigeee and a stuffed pinko-mingo.  I knew where to go.  When I walked in through the blue and red doorway, it wasn't quite like entering a time-machine... but, almost.  There were new, gimmicky toys and stuffed animals mixed in with the traditional and the refined.  This was a toy store that carried all manner of stuffed, plush versions of exotic creatures from all over the planet and from varied forms of the ecosystem.  They had a brand of animal that was officially endorsed by the WWF, and I don't mean the WWF frequented by Stone Cold Steve Austin's ilk-- I am referring to the World Wildlife Fund.  

I can still hear myself....

"Mommy?  Can we go look at some of the endangered species animals?" I'd ask.  I'm sure you have fond memories of your doe-eyed, mop-topped 5-year-old asking you that selfsame question.

They were all there: chin-strapped penguins and ostriches and sea turtles and spotted snow leopards, all lovingly and accurately (not anatomically) reproduced for the burgeoning, pre-pubescent connoisseur.  And I pored over them for extended amounts of time.  I called it "visiting" to soothe the inevitable blow of not having one of them, at an exorbitant price, come home with us.  Of course, every so often, on a very rare occasion such as my birthday or a graduation or the anniversary of Golda Meir's hysterectomy, there would be a white box with the telltale WWF sticker on the top:

And I had a new friend.  I was not one to adopt Cabbage Patch Kids.  I preferred Capybaras.

They're ordering the pinko-mingo, and they're holding the tiger in a bag for me with my phone number until the pinko-mingo comes in.  I like the gestalt of visiting that same toy store I used to drag my parents to endlessly now for my children.  Even if, shopping there by myself, I do definitely feel like a dirty freak, like they're just waiting for me to grab a stuffed elephant and stuff it down my pants and start moaning Gregorian chants.  But I was able to suspend all of that when a couple in their mid-fifties came in, announcing to the shopkeeper when he asked if they needed assistance that they were "killing time waiting for a dinner table to open up next door-- we didn't even know you were here.  Are you new?"

"Oh," smiled the shopkeeper beneath his reading glasses, "we're quite new-- just thirty-one years old."

"Yes, I used to come here as a little boy, that's how new this place is," I chimed in, making a rare spontaneous and unsolicited utterance to a stranger.  

Everybody smiled and laughed at that.  And then thought, "Sure, perv."   

Thursday, April 10, 2014



Proverbs 2, Verse 15

"Everything they do is crooked and wrong."



Once upon a time, I got it into my head that I am a bad boy.  This is perhaps as unfortunate as the day when I had my first drink of coffee.  Being the son of an Israeli, that occurred when I was eight years old.  It's highly likely that this notion of my inherent badness got sparked at around the same time-- though I doubt the same instant.  

It's hard to think about anything negative when you're drinking coffee-- especially for the first time.  

I've often tried to think about what happened to my fragile little psyche, and why-- but I've never really been able to piece it together.  Sure, there are theories-- theories that I have, that my psychologist probably has.  I don't know if my parents have any theories on this.  They're probably just stupefied that I'd think that way, because, in spite of my many and varied attempts to convince them otherwise, they are convinced that I'm the Risen Lord Jesus.  In corduroys.  

It would be much easier to blame the nuns.  Catholic kids have it easier, I think, because they can pin their abysmal self-esteem on those filthy fucking penguins-- those bitches in black.  I feel sorry for Catholic kids who went through parochial school because, really, they never had a chance-- unless they conformed to the sisters' ideals of what a "good boy" is-- vapid, vacuous, obedient, physically strong, good looking-- I was going to say "intelligent", but I'm not so sure how much value is placed on intelligence in Catholic school, especially if you have the other aforementioned traits going for you.  

Have I offended anyone out there yet?  God, I hope so.  

But, as much as I wanted to go to Catholic school when I was a boy-- so I could wear plaid ties and v-neck sweater every day and not be called a fag (well, at least for how I dressed) I don't have any nuns to blame for my atrocious self-image-- not even the nun I accosted at the Shop 'N Bag when I was four and asked if she was in "The Sound of Music."  Hopefully I contributed to her atrocious self-image.  But I doubt it.

It's exhausting and annoying-- going through your life thinking that every thought or action or impulse is wrong and bad, that you're corrupt or fake or opportunistic or shallow.  It's even worse when other people don't look at you that way, and you can't help but look at them and think, "What are you-- fucking stupid?  Don't you see me?  Don't you get it?"  

And they don't.  People see what they want to see, and they make myths and stories and pass judgments and gas and it's all very silly when you get right down to it.  

There's a lot more that I want to write, but it's silly, too.  And I have a book I want to read.  It's about airplane crashes.  Go figure, right?

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Wise Mind


Proverbs 4, Verse 5

"'Learn to be wise,' he said, 'and develop good judgment and common sense!
I cannot overemphasize this point."



It's no coincidence that this blog is called "Chipped Wisdom."  It's not just an exceedingly clever and unending morsel of drollery.  It stems from my very deep rooted belief that my thought process, the way I formulate ideas and plans is inherently flawed, harmful, broken and busted.  Imperfect.  If my brain were a product, it would be most readily found in the Scratch-and-Dent section of Best & Company.

I used to LOVE going to Best with my parents when I was a child.  I always seemed to end up in the audio equipment section-- lustily eyeing an incongruous selection of microphones with the ball-top pushed in and stereo speakers that were ripped and de-laminating.  Occasionally, these oddball things would make their way home in the trunk of my mom's Camry where I would display them proudly for a few months, and then either impulsively break them or methodically disassemble them, depending upon my mood.  The end result was the same-- it's not like I was some autistic child prodigy who had some innate knowledge of electronica and could put the goddamn things back together after taking them apart.  I didn't know a motherboard from Whistler's mother.  And I'd be no use at putting that bitch back together either.  

I guess I look at the way I behaved as a child-- not just what I was interested in acquiring but what I would do to these objects afterwards-- and I find it troublesome, that I didn't behave logically.  I wasn't content with MicroMachines or Hot Wheels-- I needed meticulously crafted 1/18th scale painstaking replicas of the Peugeot 505 or models of antique Cadillac hearses, complete with mini casket and gurney and faux-velvet drapes on the windows that cost over $100 to complete my fetishistic play.  And then, eventually, these expensive playthings would meet their unfortunate demise.  

Yes, I was a child.  Yes, you did dumb stuff, too, and you were also weird.  And maybe I want to be dumber and weirder than you were-- maybe that's my narcissism bubbling up to the surface-- but I am nevertheless concerned that my judgment has never evolved or improved as I've aged.  I'm still saying and writing things before I speak, I'm still terrible with money, I'm still reacting to anxiety instead of acknowledging it and controlling it, I'm still eating the wrong things and saying the wrong things and laughing at the wrong things and being generally, well, wrong.  

I'm rash, judgmental, sardonic, apathetic, quick to anger, slow to think-- and those are just my good qualities.

I suppose I'm being particularly harsh on myself tonight because I'm considering stopping my meds.  I don't notice a dramatic enough change, after five months or so, to warrant staying on it in view of the weight gain.  Yes, I could stand to maybe gain even a pound or two more, but I am becoming obsessed with my burgeoning belly, and having to buy new fucking pants, and losing my identity as "the skinny guy."  When I think about the theatre reviews that have been written about me-- the positive ones, at least-- the reviewers have almost always, without fail, mentioned my physical appearance in relation to how funny they thought I was.  Now that may be a truly terrible reason to stop an anti-depressant that may or may not be having a positive impact on my mood, but I don't want to not be skinny.  I want my Ethiopian-like body back.

Is that wrong?

Or is that just another example of why my brain would be discounted by 25% on the shelf at Clover?     

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Samples of Stupidity


Proverbs 9; Verse 6

"Leave behind your foolishness and begin to live;
learn how to be wise."



Dear God,

Are you fucking kidding me?  

I know all creatures are beautiful in your eyes, or equal, or something to that effect, but, really-- am I on the same playing field as the guy who created this ad?  I am composed of the same atoms and carbon-based material?  Did he eat graham crackers and water (milk is for goyim, even four-year-olds know that) in pre-school, just like I did?  Did he wear little Osh-Kosh overalls and did he cling and clutch to his mommy, well into his mid-twenties, like I did?  Does the bit of skin in between his eyebrows need regular maintenance in order to belie his Middle Eastern roots and keep him off the Homeland Security's terrorism watch list?  Is he blogging away the angst he should have outgrown over a decade-and-a-half ago while his children resist the seductive song of the sandman's sultry siren in the next room?  

Tell me, truly, ex-Special Agent Starling....

I realize, of course, that there is an air of superiority in the tone of this blog post.  I won't deny it, but I won't make it any more superior by saying "I shan't deny it," because, let's face it, that would be too much.  I suppose that feeling superior to anyone, (even if it's a guy chained to a musty desk in some dank basement creating ads for "natural ways to boost testosterone") must mean that my medication is working to some degree, which is good, because it's fucking expensive enough-- and that's with insurance.  

When I cried (almost literally) poor to my psychiatrist, he left the room-- I presumed, to return with a firearm to Old Yeller me up good-- but instead he came back with a cascading armful of Viibryd samples.  

"If my math is right," he said, and I prayed that it was, because mine never is unless it involved Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and the answer is always "6"), "this will set you straight for about ten weeks.  Just come back when you run out-- you don't even have to see me."

"Is this guy legal?" I thought to myself, albeit fleetingly, as I hungrily grabbed all the samples from him, dropping one on the floor.

I asked him if this was an ethical thing to do.  He looked at me.  I tried to dance around the fact that I'm white and employed, unlike many of the people I have often observed in his West Philly waiting room.  He smiled at me.

"That's cute, but you're not depriving these people of anything.  I have enough samples of this to keep you good for at least a few years and, let's face it, the shitty medical assistance that most of these people get gives them better prescription coverage than you have.  Sick, right?"

It was, I had to agree.

There's a lot of things in this world that are wrong and silly, sick or bizarre.  I don't need to tell you that.  You're in the shit, you live it.  You have eyes, you eat Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.  You know.  You're like me, and you're like that guy who designed the stupid testosterone ad with the hot blonde chick in the babydoll dress and she wears the boots and everything is going fine and the Basset is whining and the babies are still chirping and Pandora doesn't give a shit that I don't want to hear that Bach right now but like my mother says "everything will turn out okay in the end.  

And we all know what that means. 

It's all good, though-- just try this weird trick and take your performance to the next level.